By Craig Cundey, Ventilation Lead, Ubbink UK. With growing awareness of the human impact of air quality in homes and workplaces, MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) systems are becoming more widely specified all over Europe.
Here in the UK, today’s Building Regulations demand better insulated and more airtight buildings to meet the Government’s commitment to Net Zero emissions by 2050.
The Future Homes Standard 2025 will drive MVHR more than ever before, To meet the specifications set out in the 2025 FHS, the Government updated Parts F and L of the current Building Regulations at the end of 2021. These specifications must be adhered to when constructing, extending, or renovating UK homes. Part F introduces new standards for ventilation, while Part L sets out minimum energy efficiency performance targets for buildings, airtightness requirements and improved minimum insulation standards. These more rigorous requirements have applied to UK homes since June 2022.
The requirement for airtightness has created the need for a new approach to ventilation. The well-established traditional methods like trickle vents in window frames and extractor fans are no longer appropriate. This is where MVHR comes in.
What exactly is MVHR?
Designed to run continuously all year round, MVHR is a centralised, whole-house system which delivers fresh air throughout the home. It recovers heat from the warmer areas inside the home (usually kitchens and bathrooms) to raise the temperature of incoming air and thereby reduce demands on the heating system.
This warm, extracted stale/ odour laden air is passed through a heat exchanger where the heat is extracted and then used to warm the incoming fresh air, which is drawn in from the outside and filtered. The pre-warmed, filtered fresh air – free from moisture or kitchen smells – is then delivered throughout the home, via a ducting system with outlets in the ceilings, the MVHR unit will recover over 90% of the heat that would normally be wasted, delivering fresh, filtered, warmed air back into your home.
Warm, filtered fresh air is just the start…
MVHR systems bring a whole load of important additional benefits for all homeowners, but particularly those living in busy urban areas:
- With no need to open windows, you won’t be letting in traffic fumes or pollutants, which could cause harm or irritation to the building’s occupants.
- Keeping windows closed also minimises traffic sounds or other external noise pollution.
- With an MVHR system, windows can be kept always locked, even in Summer so home security is improved.
- Ubbink MVHR units recognize that the summer temperatures can be warmer outside than inside your home, in order to not raise the internal temperature of your home the MVHR unit will switch into Summer Bypass mode and will not raise the homes internal temperature whilst still delivering the filtered fresh air.
- MVHR greatly reduces issues such as condensation and mould, which are causes of concern in so many conventional, poorly ventilated homes. It’s worth noting that Ubbink MVHR systems can be specified with various grades of filters to help allergy sufferers.
- There’s no need for trickle vents in window frames when MVHR is installed in a home. As well as letting in draughts, these can be unsightly and difficult to clean, so it’s great news if you’re houseproud!
- A home with your MVHR will not need kitchen or bathroom fans to keep condensation down. These may consume additional energy, as well as needing cleaning and maintenance. With an MVHR system, the only maintenance required will be occasional checking and/or replacement of filters.
- And finally, the big advantage of MVHR: Lower energy bills due to reduced load on heating systems.
Is MVHR right for you?
If your home is a new-build or you are significantly refurbing, the answer is almost certainly YES – particularly if you are seeking the highest possible energy efficiency. In fact, achieving the Passivhaus energy standard is all but impossible without MVHR, due to airtightness requirements for Passivhaus certification. However, MVHR isn’t always a practical solution for simply retrofitting into older properties, due to the need to locate ductwork discreetly within the existing fabric of the building.
Practical considerations
MVHR systems are centralised and require a suitable space to locate the MVHR unit – which is the heart of the system – to which the ductwork is connected. In houses, the most space-efficient location is often in the loft space, however for flats and apartments that don’t have a loft space Ubbink have a solution with our Horizontal MVHR units that are designed to work in Flats and apartments.
Total MVHR solutions
With so many performance-related and practical factors to consider, it makes sense to get expert advice. Ut Ubbink, our ‘Total MVHR’ approach starts with an initial consultation, followed by system design and costing, supply of all components, installation and system commissioning. We are the only UK supplier to offer complete integrated systems using only our own in-house manufactured components – from the unit itself, to all ductwork and even ceiling terminals.
You can find out more about Ubbink Total MVHR solutions here