Simple Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Many companies and homeowners find ways to go green and do their part in saving and protecting the environment. If you want to jump on the bandwagon but don’t know where to start, you can begin with simple things to make the transition easier. It will increase the chance of sticking with this lifestyle. Change doesn’t happen overnight. So, start with baby steps until you get used to them, and before you know it, you are naturally practising green living. Here are easy ways to start making your home eco-friendly.

Use recyclable bags

Instead of using single-use plastics, get a reusable bag. Bring it with you whenever you need to buy something, so you can forgo plastic by putting the items directly in the bag. Plastics are non-biodegradable, so if not properly disposed of, they could clog sewers and end up in rivers and oceans. Those that reach the landfills could pile up and take thousands of years to decompose.

Go for energy-efficient appliances

If you’re planning to buy or replace an appliance at home, choose one that is energy efficient. For example, if your air conditioner needs replacement, you can find units that are energy-savers, so they do not consume as much power as the older models. AC specialists like those from air conditioning Southampton companies, also recommend getting professional installation services. Improper installation could cause the air conditioner to malfunction and shorten its life expectancy.

Unplug machines and turn off the lights

Doing these are a no-brainer. You might think these should no longer be on the list, but unfortunately, many homeowners fail to do these steps. If you are also guilty of this, make a conscious effort to turn off the lights and unplug your appliances after every use. It will develop into a habit in the long run.

Switch to LED lights

Another simple way to make your home eco-friendly is by replacing old bulbs with LED lights. About 9% of your energy use at home is from lighting. LED lights consume lesser energy than their incandescent counterparts. Plus, they also last longer, so you don’t have to keep on replacing them. You’ll save money from the switch while contributing to the environment. Less energy use means lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Choose a reusable water bottle 

Instead of buying bottled water, purchase a reusable one. You can then refill it with water from your water dispenser. You may also invest in an under-sink water filter to remove contaminants and make tap water safe for drinking. Water in the UK is generally safe to drink, but if you want extra measures, the filter system will help.

Use cold water when doing the laundry 

The hot water setting in the laundry uses more energy than the cold one. However, if the cold water doesn’t have a good effect on your clothes, you can use the warm setting instead. It still consumes lesser power than the hot setting. If it’s hot outside, sundry your clothes instead of using the dryer.

Turning your home eco-friendly is not something you can do in a snap. Instead, start with simple changes you can commit to until it becomes part of your lifestyle.