Reflecting trends in hardware

Door and window hardware can have a massive visual impact on the aesthetics of a property, but what are the current trends that really work? Simon Boocock, Managing Director of CRL Europe, takes a look. While much focus is often... View Article

SAP 10.1 Changes the Heating Industry

From Ross Harrold, Marketing & PR, Electric Heating Company A large challenge faced by the Heating Industry was the methodology for SAP 2012, which was written six years ago. SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) is the methodology used to determine a... View Article

Mind the gap

Comfort is the difference between building a home not a house, and thermal comfort plays a huge role in this. Here, Debbie Phillips, National Business Development Manager from Keylite Roof Windows looks at the best approach to ensure your selfbuilds... View Article

Project Etopia acquires self-build specialist Tribus Homes

Offsite eco developer Project Etopia has today announced its acquisition of self-build specialist Tribus Homes.  The two companies formed a partnership under the ‘E-Tribus’ banner last year but Project Etopia has now purchased the company, including its manufacturing facility in... View Article

Graven Hill goes virtual with a free webinar series

Graven Hill, the UK’s largest self and custom build development, is hosting a series of free fortnightly webinars, designed to help people gain insight into all things self and custom build. Led by industry experts, the series will aim to... View Article

Meeting UK energy efficiency targets with Eurobrick

The BBC recently reported that nearly two thirds of UK homes fail to meet long-term energy efficiency targets, with more than 12 million homes falling below the C grade on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). Due to the amount of older... View Article

Lifeline for ChildLine

Designer Contracts, the UK’s largest flooring contractor, has stepped into help leading children’s charity, ChildLine, with extra funds to help it through the Covid-19 pandemic. The charity, which supports some 800 young people each day, needed an urgent cash injection... View Article

Home wellness: bringing the spa into your home

The wellness boom is showing no signs of slowing down, with the industry forecast to be worth more than £20 billion by January 2021. Most recently, the wellness industry has been turning its focus to creating healthier living spaces. From... View Article